DiversityDescriptions Quiz (Artenquiz)

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Revision as of 13:29, 13 August 2014 by Andreas Plank (Talk | contribs) (Database: descriptortree_id)

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DiversityDescriptions_Quiz (DD_Quiz) is a clone of DiversityDescriptions 3.00.10. July 17th, 2014 that is intended to work with the Web-Framework Django to have a quiz for species descriptions in German. This project is presently under development. Additional tables see below.

Hover the mouse over a table to jump to the documentation (linked to DiversityDescriptions 3.00.10. July 17th, 2014).



Graph image creation requires permission to upload.

The following conventions and abbreviations have been used in the tables: Columns of primary key:underlined

Graph image creation requires permission to upload.

Table: ResourceWatchedTime

The time a resource thumb was watched (=mouse hover)

Column Data type Description
id int Database-internal ID of this record (primary key)
resource_id int Reference (foreign key) to a resource
contributor_id int Reference (foreign key) to a contributor
watched_time int watched time in milliseconds

Table: TaxonQuiz

User’s correctly answered taxa.

unique together = ('project_id', 'contributor_id', 'taxon_id')
Column Data type Description
id int Database-internal ID of this record (primary key)
taxon_id int Reference (foreign kex) to a taxon that has been answerd correctly
project_id int Reference (foreign key) to the project
contributor_id int Reference (foreign key) to a contributor
points int Points through scoring characters, already 3 added if success (default: 0)
sucess tinyint Was the taxon answered correctly by the user? (default: 0)