DWB clients for beta testing
The software versions below are for beta testing only, for regular releases appropriate for production environments see under the respective core applications and rich clients.
The DWB open testing approach relies on direct and open communication between software developer and software tester. For reaching this goal it is recommended to use the feedback options directly implemented in the DWB software.
Ideally, the regular DWB user is motivated to check each new implementation set up as result of her/his own request. The color codes will guide the tester for checking newly implemented functions assigned with his/her name, e.g., red background color for tests pending, and support the developer during the process of implementation of the user feedback. Other color codes like the blue background color for features planned give an overview on the status of ongoing implementation tasks and are most relevant for the developer.
- 1 Color codes and legends
- 2 DiversityAgents
- 3 DiversityCollection
- 4 DiversityDatabaseInspector
- 5 DiversityDescriptions
- 6 DiversityExsiccatae
- 7 DiversityGazetteers
- 8 DiversityGisEditor
- 9 DiversityImageInspector
- 10 DiversityMobile
- 11 DiversityProjects
- 12 DiversityReferences
- 13 DiversityResources
- 14 DiversitySamplingPlots
- 15 DiversityScientificTerms
- 16 DiversityTaxonNames
Color codes and legends
- information for software tester
- background color: red --> test pending
- background color: grey, color red --> manual unchecked by tester
- color: green --> tested
- information for software developer
- color: green --> tested
- background color: lightcyan --> function has to be improved partially
- background color: blue --> function planned, under progress
- color: violet --> function blocked (e.g. because of missing test), replaced or postponed
- color: orange --> function deferred
- background color: grey, color yellow --> manual missing, unchecked or outdated
- background color: grey, color: lightblue --> video missing or outdated
see http://de.aoc.wikia.com/wiki/AoC_Wiki:Farbtabelle
DA version for testing
The current client application is built for Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8. Please make sure you have the correct version of this software already installed on your computer! (Check under control panel -> Software for Microsoft .Net Framework).
- Download the .Net framework (see General Download Notes)
Current version
New features and fixes:
- See chapter New features and fixes in the manual
Previous versions
New features and fixes:
- See chapter New features and fixes in the manual
New features and fixes:
- See chapter New features and fixes in the manual
New features and fixes:
- See chapter New features and fixes in the manual
New features and fixes:
- See chapter New features and fixes in the manual
Tests pending
Features already in regular DA release, but tests pending
Tests pending:
Planned features
Functions planned, to be implemented in one of the next DA versions
Planned features:
DC version for testing
The current client application is built for Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8. Please make sure you have the correct version of this software already installed on your computer! (Check under control panel -> Software for Microsoft .Net Framework).
- Download the .Net framework (see General Download Notes)
Current version
New features and fixes:
- See chapters New Features And Fixes
and New Features And Fixes in DWB 4.2.7 in the manual
Previous versions
New features and fixes:
- See chapters New Features And Fixes
and New Features And Fixes in DWB 4.2.5 in the manual
New features and fixes:
- See chapter New Features And Fixes in the manual
New features and fixes:
- See chapter New Features And Fixes in the manual
New features and fixes:
- See chapter New Features And Fixes in the manual
New features and fixes:
- See chapter New Features And Fixes in the manual
New features and fixes:
- See chapter New Features And Fixes in the manual
New features and fixes:
- See chapter New Features And Fixes in the manual
New features and fixes:
- See chapter New Features And Fixes in the manual
Tests pending
Features already in regular DC release, but tests pending
Tests pending:
- Query:
- Bugfix remembering query conditions for module related restrictions noch testen
- CacheDB as source for taxa included noch testen
- Bugfix including query restrictions noch testen, W. Diewald, Feedback - 20.02.2019
- Ignoring return charater as only entry in list query noch testen, D. Neumann, E-mail 08.03.2019 um 12:06
- Import Wizard:
- Removing content using the NULL value noch testen, B. Klasen, e-mail 06.12.2018, 12:07
- Inclusion of SpecimenPartID of table CollectionSpecimenPart as Attachment column noch testen, D. Neumann
- Disposing controls when setting startstep noch testen, B. Klasen, e-mail 26. Februar 2019 12:20
- Increasing numbers for referencing tables noch testen, B. Klasen, e-mail 26. Februar 2019 12:20
- Disposing components of usercontrols when disposing removed noch testen, B. Klasen, e-mail 26. Februar 2019 12:20
- Cache database:
- Enabling creation for older versions of database engine noch testen
- Creation of message box for process only removed noch testen
- Inclusion of all postgres databases for automatic transfer noch testen
- Bugfix editing several entries noch testen
- CacheDB as source for taxa noch testen
- Timeout for connection set to 1000 for command timeout = 0 noch testen
- Other targets on postgres database marked if on same server noch testen
- Bugfix showing other targets on postgres database noch testen
- Bugfix creating postgres database noch testen, T. Weibulat, E-mail 19.02.2019 um 13:52
- Transfer to postgres via SQL-Commands noch testen, T. Weibulat, E-mail 19.02.2019 um 13:52
- Transaction:
- Retrieval of part list optimized noch testen, I. Sebek
- Marking selected node when selecting node in tree: Bugfix noch testen, I. Sebek
- Setting specimen lists when selecting node in tree: Bugfix noch testen, I. Sebek
- Ensure presence of xslt files noch testen, I. Sebek
- Button for retrieval of URL via default browser noch testen, P. Grobe
- Setting collection hierarchy selectors on demand for better performance noch testen
- New type regulation with validation of transaction title noch testen
- Showing details of transaction in main form for type permit noch testen
- Adding permit for editor included noch testen
- Inclusion of country and year in specimen list noch testen
- Inclusion of permit in specimen list and display of details noch testen
- Hiding regulation title for user with missing permission noch testen
- Showing accepted names for taxa linked with DiversityTaxonNames - Design adapted according to user feedback noch testen, B. Klasen
- Optional encryption of connection (activated by default) noch testen
- Cache database
- Inclusion of AgentRoles from DiversityProjects in Transfer into cache database noch testen, T. Weibulat
- Collection:
- Sorting in hierarchy according to name noch testen, J. Spelda (Feedback 25.10.2018 18:13)
- Hierarchy as displayed column noch testen, J. Spelda (Feedback 25.10.2018 18:13)
- New column Type included noch testen
- Administration of collection types noch testen
- Icons for collection types in hierarchies noch testen
- Images
- Details for collection event images redesigned (T. Weibulat, 14.7.2017 16:00) - getestet, immer noch viel uneinheitlich, siehe E-Mails vom 17.und 18.07.2018, 15:51 bzw. 15:58 Uhr
- Disable image data controls if no images are present noch testen(V. Sanz, 10.10.2017)
- Import wizard
- Bugfix for attachment tables containing default duplicate check column noch testen, D. Neumann, J. Spelda, E-mail 21.10.2018 um 19:06
- Spreadsheet
- Bugfix for retrieval of table name http://biocase.snsb.info/wrapper/index.cgi
- Query
- Disabling and enabling buttons (e.g. Optimizing, Clear, Save, ... ) according to query state (Predefined or not) noch testen
- Abbreviation of fields improved noch testen
- Setting query options: bugfix - checking subnodes when expanding node noch testen
- Query for hierarchy and synonyms for names linked to DiversityTaxonNames P. Grobe
- Maintenance
- Synchronisation
- Synchronizing coordinates with Gazetteer: Bugfix noch testen
- Finding coordinates outside an area Noch testen, email V. Sanz, 26.10.2017 12:26 (Manual: Maintenance event coordinates)
- Synchronisation - Taxa - missing connection: Bugfix finding correct sequence noch testen, I. Leininger (Feedback 27.09.2018 11:17)
- Synchronisation - References: Inclusion of table CollectionSpecimenReference noch testen, I. Leininger (Feedback 18.09.2018 15:39)
- Synchronisation
- Spreadsheet
- Bugfix filtering for a list of values Noch testen, I. Sebek
- Transaction
- Balance based on value set in the form for the administrating agent, print out adapted according noch testen; I. Sebek Besprechung 3.5.2018
- Balance confirmation address based on value set in the form for the administrating agent noch testen; I. Sebek Besprechung 3.5.2018
- Exclusion of non accessbile transactions from table editor noch testen
- Exclusion of non accessbile transactions from history noch testen
- Retrieval of specimen lists optimized noch testen
- History
- Restore of deleted data with optional end date and filter noch testen; I. Sebek
CacheDatebase updates
- Version 01.00.26: Tables for documentation of transfers ProjectTransfer, SourceTransfer noch testen, T. Weibulat - getestet, noch nicht in Ordnung, siehe E-Mail 17.08.2018
- Schema updates:
- Version 27: CacheProjectAgentRole - new table for agent roles; procPublishProjectAgentRole - transfer in new table for agent roles noch testen, T. Weibulat
- Version 28: CacheMethod; procPublishMethod - transfer in new table for Method; CacheCollectionEventMethod; procPublishCollectionEventMethod - transfer in new table for CollectionEventMethod; CollectionEventParameterValue; procPublishCollectionEventParameterValue - transfer in new table for CollectionEventParameterValue; CacheCount - table for holding the total counts for all tables; procPublishCount - fill table CacheCount with values according to the total numbers noch testen, T. Weibulat
- Version 29: procPublishCollection - Getting the CollectionAcronym; procPublishCollectionEventLocalisation - reducing quadrant precision according to settings; CacheMetadata - DatasetDetails changed to nvarchar(MAX); procPublishMetadata - DatasetDetails from PublicDescription, Agents from DA etc.; ProjectTaxonomicGroup - Add RestrictToLinkedIdentifications; procPublishIdentificationUnit - optional restriction to linked identifications noch testen, T. Weibulat
- Version 30: procPublishProjectAgentRole - transfer in new table for agent roles, bugfix; procPublishIdentificationUnit - optional restriction to linked identifications - bugfix noch testen, T. Weibulat
Cache database for Postgres updates
- Schema updates:
- Version 21: CacheProjectAgentRole - new table for agent roles; procPublishProjectAgentRole - transfer in new table for agent roles noch testen, T. Weibulat
- Packages
- Update to version 4 (upcoming): ABCD_Unit: The original view including a UNION was to slow for BioCASE; functions abcd__Unit_RemoveIndices, abcd__Unit_AddingIndices, abcd__Unit, ABCD_Unit - adaption to new table; function abcd___ProjectCitation - inclusion of date as version noch testen, T. Weibulat, Email 9.5.2018 16:31
Planned features
Functions planned, to be implemented in one of the next DC versions
Updated content: Videos for several chapters
- Typo in video tutorial title of Abspeichern von Suchkriterien: "Suchkritieren". Should be fixed. (D. Triebel)
- Several sampling plots for one event (M. Ruff)
- Extension of PK of table CollectionEventProperty to enable entry of several items from the same terminology (M. Ruff)
- Extension of PK of table IdentificationUnitAnalysis to enable bulk insert (D. Neumann)
- Marking image areas getestet, email V. Sanz 11.10.2017 16:36 (V. Sanz, 26.7.2017)
- Transfer of software settings in Diversity Workbench settings A. Rosenbauer, E-mail 19.10.2017 16:22
- Transaction: Inserting local files as documents ToDo, V. Sanz 6.11.2017
- Removing of database users without a valid login Noch testen, Manual - Login administration Nach DSGVO
- Spreadsheet
- Language and context noch testen
- Remove columns that are filled via trigger, e.g. CollectionDate V. Sanz, Email 24.10.2017 18:02
- Button to switch of the automatic rescan of the data after a change in a single field M. Ruff Feedback 2/1/2018 10:36 AM
- Distribution map:
- Selection of objects via a predefined geometry (M. Ruff)
- Enable deselection within the selection frame (M. Ruff)
- Import wizard
- Selection of imported data in main form C. Dalitz 26.10.2017
- CopyPrevious - beim Merging wird e.g. Event von leeren Zeilen zusammengefasst, nicht aber Originalzeile integriert (s. Tutorial 2). Test funktioniert nur wenn vorher Originalzeile getestet wurde - Hinweis ins Manual einbauen.
- Transformation: Filter transformation übernimmt Werte mit CopyPrevious nicht (s. Tutorial - Habitat Spalte 2 von 3 in Original)
- Checking if imported accession numbers do exist in the database (for no attachment or merging). By default these data will be pushed into the failed data file
- Maintenance
- Regulations herausgenommen - warten auf Test
- Regulations with end date in query email V. Sanz, 26.10.2017 15:59
- Entering regulation hints e.g according the Nagoya protocol noch testen, Manual: Maintenance regulations
- Inserting regulations, bugfix email V. Sanz, 26.10.2017 15:59
- Inserting regulations, bugfix email V. Sanz, 27.10.2017 13:20
- Source for Nagoya protocol countries changed from Gazetteer to local available countries noch testen (D. Neumann, 25.1.2018)
- General function combining all tasks, generating reports, allowing selective inclusion etc. ToDo
- Es wäre auch gut eine Möglichkeit zu haben, alles "übrig gebliebene" zu finden, also alle Agents die keine URI haben. Das wäre auch sehr hilfreich für andere Bereiche, wie beim Abgleich mit Gazetteers. sonst weiss man nie so genau, was noch fehlt ToDo M. Ruff, 14.2.2018 10:11
- Agents: Könnte man hier noch erweitern, dass man auch nach nur Nachname abgleichen kann. Mann müsste dann ggf. auswählen können, bei mehreren identischen Nachnamen. ToDo M. Ruff, 14.2.2018 9:55
- Regulations herausgenommen - warten auf Test
- Enable Copy & Paste for coordinates of units W. Diewald, Feedback 30.10.2017 8:38
- Template for locality and habitat W. Diewald, Feedback 30.10.2017 8:28
- CacheDB
- Inclusion of new table ProjectAgentRole in transfer (replaces column AgentRole in table ProjectAgent) D. Triebel, T. Weibulat
- Transfer of packages - button should not start directly. Either open selection for transfersteps (1 package) or warning that all packages will be transferred T. Weibulat, 19.2.2018E-mail W. Reichert 02.03.2018 14:35
- Documentation of transfer and settings in separate table T. Weibulat, Besprechung 23.5.2018
- Reduktion der Dokumentation auf die History - verknüpft mit
- Sprache der Länderliste für CountryCache auswaehlbar machen
- Beim Datenexport nach einem Portal Übersetzungsmechanismus des Ländernamens
- Gesetzte Länderliste löschen
- Cross database query for properties, e.g. list all spiders in Collection with Biotoptyp "Buchenwald" assigned in Sampling Plots (Request from SMNK, F.Raub / T.Stierhof)
Wünsche Stuttgart: (A. Jandl, Feedback 1/22/2018 17:51)
- Die Zuordnung zu den MaterialCategories ist wenig nutzerfreundlich. Aus einer Liste, die aufklappt, muss ich jede einzelne MatCat anklicken.
- Schöner wäre es wie bei Analysis, wo eine Auswahlliste erscheint, in der ich für die Auswahl Häkchen setzen kann.
- Was ebenfalls nicht nutzerfreundlich ist, ist die Größe der Fenster für die Anzeigen MatCat und Project. Sie umfassen 3 Zeilen, können nicht vergrößert werden. Bei der Vielzahl unserer Projekte wäre das Vergrößern der Felder hilfreich.Gilt auch für Analysis.
- Weiteres Manko: Die Werte werden nicht alphabetisch dargestellt. (Evtl. nach ID?). Das ist für die Verwaltung sehr schwierig. Gilt auch für Analysis.
- Desweiteren können nicht alle Projekte oder MatCategories auf einen Schlag ausgewählt werden, so wie es bei Analysis möglich ist (projects, TaxaGroup).
- Verbesserungsvorschlag: Beim Processing in DivColl ist das Datum bei der Auswahl schwer erkennbar - zumindest auf meinem Rechner. Hellblaues Datum auf dunkelblauem Grund ist ein, für mich, sehr schlechter Kontrast. (Januar 2018 ist für mich nicht lesbar, erst durch Screenshot mit Vergrößerung). Den dunkelblauen Hintergrund durch eine hellere Farbe ersetzen?
- Query Felder fuer Transaction: A. Jandl, Feedback 1/31/2018 10:56 AM
- Admin.Coll (mehrfache Felder)
- IDIdentifyer (Art der Nummer, Feldinhalt)
- Agents (Rolle der Person, Name)
- Payments (Art der Zahlung, Wert, Einheit)
- Wird in das Feld Problems (Bereich Organism) ein Text kopiert, der länger als 255 ? Zeichen ist und wird dann gespeichert, dann wird
- 1) nach dem Speichern der entsprechende rechte Inhalt nicht mehr angezeigt (er muss erst durch Klick auf Accession Nr wieder eingeblendet werden, wobei ab und zu auch der Inhalt gleich wieder dargestellt wird. Es ist für mich nicht nachvollziehbar wann der Inhalt dargestellt wird und wann nicht)
- 2) Der zu lange Text ohne Warnung nicht übernommen.
- Sehr problematisch wird es, wenn Texte ergänzt werden und dann über die Feldlänge hinaus geschrieben wird.
- Wenn ohne Warnung der Text abgeschnitten wird und der User hier nicht genau kontrolliert, gehen Daten verloren. Datenverluste kann ich niemandem vermitteln.
- Bitte Hinweis auf zu langen Feldinhalt bei allen begrentzten Feldern einbauenein beliebig langer Text kann in das Feld Problems eingegeben werden. Beim Speichern kommt einen Fehlermeldung, dass der Text zu lang ist. Aber nun wird der komplette Text gelöscht! Alles weg was der User gerade mühsam eintippte.
Ist es nicht möglich beim erreichen der max. Textlänge ein Stopp der Texterfassung zu erzwingen und direkt eine Meldung auszugeben, dass Textlänge erreicht ist? ToDo, Email A. Jandl 19.04.2018 13:22 eingebaut in initForm(): this.FormFunctions.addRestrictLengthToTextboxes();
Wünsche Karlsruhe: ( T. Stierhof, E-mail 21. November 2017 14:31)
- Event methods
- Statt Methods sollte es Methods and circumstances heißen.
- Unter value brauchen wir ein Notes-Feld, in dem der Bearbeiter eine Begründung für seine Einstufung abgeben soll. In DB eingebaut. Einbau in Client steht noch aus
- Der ganze Bereich von Methods ist derzeit zu schmal resp. niedrig und durch Ziehen verändert man nur die Notes darüber bzw. den Bereich Sammelort/Verbatim/Habitat darunter. Die beiden benötigen aber eigentlich nur wenig Höhe, ganz im Gegensatz zum Bereich Methods. Da sollte man nicht nach zwei Zeilen schon scrollen müssen.
- Es gibt beim Anlegen von Method, Parameter und Value jeweils eine Description, die aber nur mit Admin-Rechten einsehbar ist. Die müsste für alle Nutzer sichtbar sein, entweder als je ein Feld (mit der Description zum gerade blau unterlegten Listeneintrag) oder als Popup beim Darüberziehen des Cursors.
- Database login linked to commitment
- Change from UserName to ID
- Inclusion of script generation in database tools noch testen
Database updates
- Changing tables according to DSGVO
Cache database updates
DDI version for testing
New features and fixes:
- New DWB client DiversityDatabaseInspector for scanning a number of databases on various SQL servers to extract values from certain tables (e.g. current users).
DD version for testing
The current client application is built for Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8.
Use the installer if you have administrator rights, otherwise use the DiversityDescriptionsUnpack batchfile. For more information see General Download Notes.
- Catalogue of Life webservice is offline. As soon as a replacement is available, it will be included
New features and fixes:
- Cache database:
- New option to lock character based on package
- New package LiasGtm
- Questionnaire editor: Handling of read only data improved
- Miscellaneous error corrections
Database updates
Database 03.03.08:
- Handling of ID reinitialization for cache database corrected
Cache database 1.0.10 / 10
- Synthetic keys from views removed that disturbed duplicate check
Postgres database 1.0.2 / 6
- New table for package specific character locking introduced
Alternative download A small download of the main program files as zipped program folder.
Updated contents:
- Cache database - Packages
- Cache database - AddOns
- Cache database - Postgres infrastructure
New contents: -
DiversityDescriptions for quiz database
New features and fixes:
- Enhanced form "Set taxon links"
- Prevent changes in scope table for proxy links to avoid interference with quiz application
- New form "Set taxon links" to supply quiz related data
- SDD import restores original resource/resource variant structure
DE version for testing
The current client application is built for Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8.
New features and fixes:
- Table editor adapted to changes for DSGVO (Logging columns) noch testen
- Bacteria in included in query noch testen, D. Triebel - Email 22.08.2018 09:53
Tests pending
Features already in regular DE release, but tests pending
Tests pending:
- Image folder removed noch testen (D. Triebel, 22.8.2017)
- Tools for database included noch testen
- Description for database included noch testen
Planned features
Functions planned, to be implemented in one of the next DE versions
Planned features:
- Remove of function to ignore leading space signs of wrong entered image paths, because web portal needs exact path noch testen (D. Triebel, 22.1.2018)
Database updates
- Version 02.00.05: For all tables: - UserProxy - filling with login data from table, Changing constraints for logging columns, Setting the ID as new value for LogUpdatedBy etc. according to EU-DSGVO, Setting the descriptions for LogUpdatedBy etc. according to EU-DSGVO
- Version 02.00.06: ApplicationSearchSelectionStrings and procSetVersionExsiccatae according to EU-DSGVO; For all triggers - adaption to DSGVO
DG version for testing
New features and fixes:
New GIS-Editor Version 4.3.1:
- Fix for changes in OSM web interface: Overlay was shifted and no longer visible, shapes were shifted on OSM map. Webbrowser width for OSM window now has been adapted to current version.
DGE version for testing
New features and fixes:
- Commandline arguments added to select language (de, en, es). Default: en
- Fix for changes in OSM web interface: Overlay was shifted and no longer visible, shapes were shifted on OSM map. Webbrowser width for OSM window now has been adapted to current version.
DP version for testing
New features and fixes:
- See chapter New features and fixes in the manual
New features and fixes:
- Main form
- New start mode updatedatabase noch testen;
- OAIP - enabled
- Administration of formats Postponed (T. Weibulat);
- Administration of mime types Postponed (T. Weibulat);
- Administration of OAIP archives for project Postponed (T. Weibulat);
- Identifier for Project OK, (T. Weibulat);
- Bugfix update T. Weibulat, E-mail 15.09.2020 um 12:52
- Menu
- Help - Metadata included
- Connection - Timeout for query and connection included
- Import GFBio
- Archive -> Archive, Agents -> DiversityAgents Postponed (T. Weibulat);
- Import wizard Postponed (T. Weibulat);
- Import showing errors concerning agents Postponed (T. Weibulat);
- Import asking for submitter and publisher noch testen (B. Klasen);
- Import checks existence of table ProjectArchive noch testen (B. Klasen);
- Insert selected default role if missing noch testen (B. Klasen);
- Refresh project list if access is denied noch testen (B. Klasen);
- Exchange of label and keywords noch testen (T. Weibulat E-mail 24.09.2020 um 11:18, B. Klasen);
- Options for name of new project: Manual editing of project name, Key as project name or autogeneration noch testen (E-mail 28.05.2021 um 13:23, B. Klasen);
- Archive - Disabled
- Administrate Archives Postponed (T. Weibulat);
- Create Archive Postponed (T. Weibulat);
- Clean database Postponed (T. Weibulat);
- Restore archive Postponed (T. Weibulat);
- Create schema Postponed (T. Weibulat);
- Type of relation to parent archive included Postponed (T. Weibulat);
- Identifier
- Locking of identifier in case of existing OAIP entries Postponed (T. Weibulat);
- Agents
- Showing display text and code for selection of role noch testen, C. Monje, Email 2020-06-08 10:22
- Bugfix inserting several agents OK, T. Weibulat
- Descriptors
- Sorted by alphabet noch testen, T. Weibulat
- Modules
- Scanning for entries in modules (For details see manual, keyword Module connections) OK, (T. Weibulat);
- Connection timeout set to 3 seconds by default noch testen, T. Weibulat
Database updates
- Database update to version 2.1.21: ProjectArchiveMimeType_Enum; ProjectArchiveFormat_Enum; ProjectArchive; ProjectArchive_log; trgDelProjectArchive; trgUpdProjectArchive; ProjectArchiveIdentifier; ProjectArchiveIdentifier_log; trgDelProjectArchiveIdentifier; trgUpdProjectArchiveIdentifier; New columns for Project (Archive); New roles for Agent OK, (T. Weibulat);
- Database update to version 2.1.22: ProjectAgentType_Enum - Removing Submitter; ProjectAgentRole_Enum - new roles and update of existing roles; ProjectAgent and ProjectAgentRole - Changing PK to ProjectAgentID including trigger etc. OK, (T. Weibulat); Correction of descriptions
- Database update to version 2.1.23: New stored procedure SetUserProjects to set the project access for a user ("Tonis SetUserProjects"); ProjectArchive - new column ParentRelationType; new table ProjectArchiveRelationType_Enum; ProjectArchive - setting relation for ParentRelationType; Content of ProjectArchiveRelationType_Enum; trgDelProjectArchive; trgUpdProjectArchive; ProjectArchiveFormat_Enum - setting content; ProjectArchiveMimeType_Enum - setting content; new view ProjectArchiveFormats; Grants for ProjectArchive tables; ProjectAgentRole_Enum: Add Data Owner and Source Institution;
Tests pending
Features already in regular DP release, but tests pending
Tests pending:
- Project - Interface for other modules testing existence of stable identifier base OK (T. Weibulat)
- Bugfix starting application OK (B. Klasen, E-mail 26.1.2018 11:04)
- Setting the notes for Identifier OK (B. Klasen, E-mail 21.2.2018 11:50)
- Creation of security objects for REST access noch testen, S. Seifert
- GFBio import:
- Ignoring settings with missing values OK (B. Klasen)
- Inclusion of URL for GFBioIssueID OK (B. Klasen, E-mail 21.2.2018 12:02)
- Inclusion of webservices of GFBio and GBIF noch testen, T. Weibulat, B. Klasen, P. Grobe. E-mail 11.10.2018 11:07
- Blocking change of descriptor type for module-linked entries noch testen, T. Weibulat
- Several bugfixes noch testen, T. Weibulat. E-mail 11.12.2018, 12:28
Database updates
- Database update to version 2.1.20: New types for Descriptor; Missing descriptions OK T. Weibulat
Planned features
Functions planned, to be implemented in one of the next DP versions
Planned features:
- Saving changes in data - bugfix (T. Weibulat, Feedback 18.07.2016)
- Setting resources directory getestet, email V. Sanz 24.10.2017 17:07; Manual: Directory for resources
- Publication of database scheme and ER model of DP, see under Information models, attention DOI compliance!
- Label + Keyword -> Descriptor
Database updates
- Database update to version 2.1.xx: Remove column AgentRole from triggers in ProjectAgent; Remove column AgentRole from ProjectAgent; Remove obsolet columns from table Project and triggers; Project_Core: remove obsolet columns; ProjectHierarchy - removing obsolet columns; ProjectChildNodes - removing obsolet columns; Remove obsolete columns function dbo.ProjectParents; Noch testen
- Database tools
- Database description
DR version for testing
The current client application is built for Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8.
New features and fixes:
- Error corrections in import wizard transformation
- Restore of history data released
- Periodicals form
- New query function
- New query for referencing titles
- Improved error handling
- Keyword types
- New query function
- New query for referencing titles
- Improved error handling
- Hide disabled keyword types to normal users
- Adjustment of database timeout added to main menu
- Error in handling of private markers fixed
- Error in saving data of reference relators fixed
Datebase updates Database 02.01.05:
- Initial descriptor element "ANY" inserted if required
- New views for descriptor elements and periodicals query
- Foreign key properties corrected
- Unused tables and procedures dropped
- Outdated field removed from reference title table
- Missing access rights added for reference private note log
Database 02.01.04:
- Trigger for delete of reference relator extended to update reference title description
Alternative download (If you do not have administrator rights on your computer or want to use different application versions in parallel.)
Updated contents:
- Import wizard - transformation
- Menu
- Data editing
- Administration
- Keyword types (descriptors)
- Periodicals
- Database
- History
New contents: -
Tests pending
Features already in regular DR release, but tests pending
Tests pending
- Exception handling for updates improved noch testen. M. Ruff: E-mail 30.05.2018 07:02
- Keywords - empty language removed Noch testen (T. Schweizer, Feedback 10.04.2018 14:16)
- Images - Usercontrol replaced by browser and additional button for opening image in separat window Noch testen
- Login according to EU-DSGVO noch testen
DSP version for testing
=New features and fixes
- see chapter New features and fixes in the manual
New features and fixes:
- Creation of database included.
- New start mode for udpate noch testen
- Bugfix maps noch testen, Email 19.11.2021 um 08:48, Ingo Wendt
DST version for testing
The current client application is built for Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8. Please make sure you have the correct version of this software already installed on your computer! (Check under control panel -> Software for Microsoft .Net Framework).
- Download the .Net framework (see General Download Notes)
New features and fixes:
- Installer creates shortcut on desktop and in program menu
- Inclusion of references and properties in table editors
- Back links from DiversityCollection
- Dependency between terms included
- Separate menu for types / ranking types
- New role DiversityWorkbenchTypist with resticted permissions
- Adding of query results to section
- Optional display of terms in hierarchy of ranking terms
- New start mode updatedatabase noch testen;
- Resources for user placed outside program directory
- 3 Options to places resources: Home, Documents, User defined
- Query
- New column Ranking to display Ranking/Type of terms noch testen (T. Weibulat);
- Change to DisplayText when switching from Terms to Types in case of Display column is Ranking noch testen (T. Weibulat);
- Return to previous Display column when switching between Terms and Types noch testen (T. Weibulat);
- Query showing hierarchy of ranking terms;
- Enabling query for several properties noch testen (Email 23.07.2021 um 11:37 Felix Hentschel);
- Chart
- Selection of terms via Chart
- Adption to width of calling form
- Setting of color for term including inheritance
- Setting of display order
- Setting of images, tooltip showing title of image and synonyms
- Selection of whole terminology or section
- Sections to define subgroups within terminologies
- Import wizard for term included noch testen (F. Hentschel);
- Archive
- Administrate Archives noch testen (T. Weibulat);
- Create Archive noch testen (T. Weibulat);
- Clean database noch testen (T. Weibulat);
- Restore archive noch testen (T. Weibulat);
- Create schema noch testen (T. Weibulat);
- Database tools
- Creation of logtables, trigger and logcolumns including apation to DSGVO
- Minor bugfixes
Database updates
- Version 1.0.12: New type image for properties; New type color for properties; New view View_TermRanking as source for query; New role DiversityWorkbenchTypist with restricted permissions; TermDependency + TermDependency_log + Trigger noch testen
- Version 1.0.13: New tables Section and SectionTerm incl. log and trigger; New columns DisplayOrder, DisplayARGB, DisplayInheritARGB in table TermRepresentation incl. log and trigger; New columns DisplayOrder and DataWithholdingReason TermResource incl. log and trigger; noch testen
- Version 1.0.14: View for TermResource excluding XML column; Description for several objects; Generic SetUserProjects noch testen
- Version 1.0.13: New tables Section and SectionTerm including Logtables and Trigger; New columns DisplayOrder, DisplayARGB and DisplayInheritARGB in table TermRepresentation + Logtable + Trigger; Table TermRepresentation, TermRepresentation_Log and Trigger: new Columns DisplayOrder, DisplayARGB and DisplayInheritARGB; Table TermResource, TermResource_Log and Trigger: new Columns DisplayOrder and DataWithholdingReason noch testen
- Version 1.0.14: New stored procedure SetUserProjects to set the project access for a user ("Tonis SetUserProjects") noch testen
New features and fixes:
- Query: Search for a list, synonyms or hierarchy included noch testen
- Language:
- Enabling included noch testen
- Selection restricted to enabled languages noch testen
Test pending
Test pending:
- Buttons for setting and removing the broader term noch testen
- Button for setting the synonymy noch testen
Planned features
Functions planned, to be implemented in one of the next DST versions
Planned features:
- Implement hierarchy search in ScientificTerms module like in SamplingPlots, e.g. search "woodland" only in properties of current hierarchy level or below (Request from SMNK, F. Raub / T. Stierhof)
DTN version for testing
New features and fixes:
- See chapter New features and fixes in the manual
New features and fixes:
- See chapter New features and fixes in the manual
New features and fixes:
- .Net Framework 4.8
- Backlinks from DiversityCollection and DiversityDescriptions redesigned
- Test for charts included
- New start mode updatedatabase noch testen;
- Archive
- Creation of schema included
- Exclusion of default project from optional projects when creating a new taxon noch testen, B. Klasen E-mail 2020-04-23 11:15
- Export of checklists noch testen, M. Ruff
- Export of hierarchy noch testen, M. Ruff
- Connection menu - Server activity included noch testen, M. Ruff
- Export of table view set to DWB Export directory noch testen, G. Rambold
- Hierachy
- Checking for loops in hierarchy noch testen, M. Ebert, T. Weibulat
- Export wizard
- Synonyms in relation to selected name noch testen, M. Ruff
- BaseURL included noch testen, M. Schwager, E-mail 2020-06-18 08:45
- Analysis
- Sorting and datawithholding added noch testen, M. Ruff
- Export of synonyms noch testen, G. Rambold
- Resources with new columns Title, IPR, Creator, CreatorAgentURI, CopyrightStatement, LicenseType, LicenseHolder, LicenseHolderAgentURI, LicenseYear, DisplayOrder, DataWithholdingReason
- Import wizard
- Import of synonymy OK, B. Klasen
- Import of accepted names and synonyms noch testen, B. Klasen
Database updates
- Version 02.05.30: trgUpdTaxonName: Bugfix in where clause Detected by B. Quast; TaxonFamily: Include family as name to enable hierarchy entry for identifications as family noch testen, F. Raub; new function AcceptedNameID; Missing Descriptions; UserProxy - missing grant; Selfreferencing hierarchy: Remove existing wrong entries, Change trigger to remove wrong entries
- Version 02.05.31: TaxonNameListAnalysisCategory add Columns DataWithholdingReason and SortingID; trgDelTaxonNameListAnalysisCategory add Columns DataWithholdingReason and SortingID; trgDelTaxonNameListAnalysisCategory add Columns DataWithholdingReason and SortingID; AnalysisCategoryHierarchyAll: add Columns DataWithholdingReason and SortingID; TaxonNameListAnalysisCategoryChildNodes add Columns DataWithholdingReason and SortingID; TaxonNameListAnalysisCategoryHierarchy add Columns DataWithholdingReason and SortingID
- Version 02.05.32: procTaxonNameInsertNew_3: No reuse of deleted NameIDs, no insert of DefaultProjectID; ProjectList - include ProjectURI to enable Backlink search;
- Version 02.05.33: procTaxonNameInsertNew_3: Start with 1 in case of empty database; TaxonCommonName.Transliteration - adding in case of missing; TaxonNameResource + log + Trigger: new columns Title, IPR, Creator, CreatorAgentURI, CopyrightStatement, LicenseType, LicenseHolder, LicenseHolderAgentURI, LicenseYear, DisplayOrder, DataWithholdingReason
- Version 02.05.34: New stored procedure SetUserProjects to set the project access for a user ("Tonis SetUserProjects");
New features and fixes:
- Enabling access to external datasources for users with read only access noch testen, F. Raub, Feedback 07.01.2019 12:05
- Query for names in same modul according to list, hierarchy and/or synonymy included noch testen, F. Raub, E-mail 13.02.2019 um 11:54
- Creation type suchfähig machen C. Dalitz, Email 04.07.2018 10:13
- Search for linked specimen redesigned with optional start of application DC noch testen
- Search for linked descriptions with optional start of application DD noch testen
- Setting timeout noch testen, M. Ruff, Feedback 15.05.2019 11:53
- Update of hierarchy cache noch testen, D. Triebel, Feedback 16.04.2019 13:33
- Maintenance
- Removal of self-referred synomyms noch testen
- Ignoring of self-referred synomyms noch testen
- Inspection of self-referred synomyms in main form noch testen
- Access to reference list of MelNames and Goeverts removed
Test pending
Features already in regular DTN release, but tests pending
Tests pending:
- Button for refreshing hierarchy cache noch testen: D. Triebel (Feedback 12.10.2018 11:15)
- Menu settings according to connection noch testen
- Spreadsheet: several bugfixes noch testen
- Opening URL for external data sources in default browser noch testen: F. Raub, Feedback 31.07.2018 13:10
- Import wizard: Ignore but keep for reference included noch testen: M.Ruff, E-mail 28.11.2018, 10:51
Planned features
Functions planned, to be implemented in one of the next DTN versions
Planned features
- Test for duplicates for Taxa in import wizard B. Quast, Email 19.10.2017 16:22
- Spreadsheet for TaxonName noch testen
- Die Suchfunktion nach "Hierarchy missing" klappt nicht so richtig - es kommen lauter Ergebnisse von Taxa, bei denen eine Hierarchie doch vorhanden is E-mail H. Boyle, 07.02.2018 00:24
- History restoring deleted data including restriction of timerange noch testen