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DiversityExsiccatae © SNSB IT Center
DiversityExsiccatae © SNSB IT Center

DiversityExsiccatae (DWB-DE) is an application component of the database framework Diversity Workbench. It might be installed as part of a DWB environment, but also be used as a stand-alone application, e. g., in a local installation. Each DWB module is devoted to a specific data domain.

DiversityExsiccatae is currently used in a core installation at the SNSB, Botanische Staatssammlung München to manage bibliographic information and standardized abbreviations of botanical and mycological exsiccatae in a global index. Exsiccatae are series of specimen collections which are distributed as a publication together with assigned printed matters. They are usually available in multiple copies worldwide (see also IndExs - Index of Exsiccatae, About). This standard list for Exsiccatal series with unique and stable series identifers is increasing the efficiency of the digitization of botanical and mycological collections. A web interface IndExs - Index of Exsiccatae and a web service IndExs - Web Service is available.

For download of test versions check DiversityExsiccatae clients for beta testing.

Software for .Net Framework 4.8

Online manual

The manual is provided in html format with Content and Keywords, see also DWB user manuals. Earlier versions were regularly published as pdf files. They are stored under Previous versions of pdf files from DWB user manuals. The compiled help file in CHM (= MS online help format) is included in the zip archive with the download of the client application.

Client application

Current version

The client application is built for Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8.

Download the Installer for client software 4.0.0 (zip archive), 2019/09/02

New features and fixes:

  • Installer creates shortcut on desktop and in program menu
  • Resources for user placed outside program directory
    • 3 Options to places resources: Home, Documents, User defined

Beta test versions

For download of test versions check DiversityExsiccatae clients for beta testing.

Previous versions

The client applications are built for Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8.


The database is built for Microsoft SQL Server 2014. Please make sure that you have Microsoft SQL Server 2014 onwards installed on your computer! (Check under control panel -> Software for Microsoft SQL Server).

Each client version will check internally for the actual compatible database version und update the version formerly installed to this version (rights as dbo needed!).

Database server

Software for .Net Framework 3.5

In this section selected client versions for the .Net framework 3.5 are listed. If you need a specific version, please contact the SNSB IT center.

Client application

Final version for .Net Framework 3.5

An online manual (.chm) is included with the download of DiversityExsiccatae. The client application is build for Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 or higher. Please make sure you have the correct version of this software already installed on your computer! (Check under control panel -> Software for Microsoft .Net Framework).

Download the DiversityExsiccatae (zip archive), 2019/08/08

New features and fixes:

  • Table editor adapted to changes for DSGVO (Logging columns)
  • Bacteria included in query
  • Final regular version for DWB .NET 3.5.


The database is built for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2. Please make sure you have the correct version of this software already installed on your computer! (Check under control panel -> Software for Microsoft SQL Server).

Database server

Previous MS Access versions

DiversityExsiccatae (release 1.1)

An elder Microsoft Access application (Version 1.1) can be downloaded here. The software is provided without data. Please contact D. Triebel, München (name@bsm.mwn.de; replacing name with “triebel”) for further information.

Please read the General notes for Microsoft Access Prototypes.

See also DiversityExsiccatae Information Models and General Download Notes.