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DiversityDescriptions Information Model (version 3.0.15, 11 July 2016)

The dwbD database scheme representation is organized following the way of representing developed by the TDWG terminology platform and uses similar templates and forms. The main two entities are "concept", which is here used to describe the database table columns and "concept collection", which represents the database tables and collect their columns (=concepts). Each concept rsp. concept collection is described on a separate page and may be therefore directly referenced by its URL.

Find a list of all available dwb database schemes here. For further information about schemes click here and here, for query concepts click here.

Creators: G. Hagedorn, A. Plank, A. Link, G. Rambold, D. Triebel

Suggested citation: G. Hagedorn, A. Plank, A. Link, G. Rambold & D. Triebel (2016). DiversityDescriptions information model (version 3.0.15). https://diversityworkbench.net/Portal/DiversityDescriptionsModel_3.0.15

Terms of usage: Creative Commons — Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported — CC BY-ND 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/)

Scheme URI: https://diversityworkbench.net/Portal/dwbDescriptions

Namespace URI: https://diversityworkbench.net/Portal/dwbD: with preferred namespace prefix “dwbD”.


Collections in dwbDescriptions:

dwbD:BaseEntity  •  dwbD:CategoricalSamplingData  •  dwbD:CategoricalState  •  dwbD:CategoricalSummaryData  •  dwbD:Description  •  dwbD:DescriptionScope  •  dwbD:Descriptor  •  dwbD:DescriptorInapplicability  •  dwbD:DescriptorStatusData  •  dwbD:DescriptorTree  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNode  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNodeRecFrequency  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNodeRecModifier  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNodeRecStatMeasure  •  dwbD:Frequency  •  dwbD:Modifier  •  dwbD:MolecularSequenceData  •  dwbD:MolecularSequenceSamplingData  •  dwbD:OtherScope  •  dwbD:Project  •  dwbD:Project AvailableScope  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSamplingData  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSummaryData  •  dwbD:Resource  •  dwbD:ResourceVariant  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent  •  dwbD:SamplingUnit  •  dwbD:TextDescriptorData  •  dwbD:TextSamplingData  •  dwbD:Translation

Concepts in dwbDescriptions (grouped by collection):
By label: id  •  specific_licence_uri  •  specific_rights_text  •  table_id
By concept name: dwbD:BaseEntity.id  •  dwbD:BaseEntity.specific licence uri  •  dwbD:BaseEntity.specific rights text  •  dwbD:BaseEntity.table id
By label: id  •  frequency_value  •  modifier_id  •  notes  •  sampling_unit_id  •  state_id
By concept name: dwbD:CategoricalSamplingData.frequency value  •  dwbD:CategoricalSamplingData.id  •  dwbD:CategoricalSamplingData.modifier id  •  dwbD:CategoricalSamplingData.notes  •  dwbD:CategoricalSamplingData.sampling unit id  •  dwbD:CategoricalSamplingData.state id
By label: id  •  abbreviation  •  descriptor_id  •  detail  •  display_order  •  label  •  wording
By concept name: dwbD:CategoricalState.abbreviation  •  dwbD:CategoricalState.descriptor id  •  dwbD:CategoricalState.detail  •  dwbD:CategoricalState.display order  •  dwbD:CategoricalState.id  •  dwbD:CategoricalState.label  •  dwbD:CategoricalState.wording
By label: id  •  description_id  •  frequency_id  •  modifier_id  •  notes  •  state_id
By concept name: dwbD:CategoricalSummaryData.description id  •  dwbD:CategoricalSummaryData.frequency id  •  dwbD:CategoricalSummaryData.id  •  dwbD:CategoricalSummaryData.modifier id  •  dwbD:CategoricalSummaryData.notes  •  dwbD:CategoricalSummaryData.state id
By label: id  •  detail  •  label  •  project_id
By concept name: dwbD:Description.detail  •  dwbD:Description.id  •  dwbD:Description.label  •  dwbD:Description.project id
By label: id  •  description_id  •  dwbURI  •  geographicarea_id  •  label  •  observation_id  •  other_scope_id  •  source_reference_id  •  specimen_id  •  taxon_id  •  type
By concept name: dwbD:DescriptionScope.description id  •  dwbD:DescriptionScope.dwbURI  •  dwbD:DescriptionScope.geographicarea id  •  dwbD:DescriptionScope.id  •  dwbD:DescriptionScope.label  •  dwbD:DescriptionScope.observation id  •  dwbD:DescriptionScope.other scope id  •  dwbD:DescriptionScope.source reference id  •  dwbD:DescriptionScope.specimen id  •  dwbD:DescriptionScope.taxon id  •  dwbD:DescriptionScope.type
By label: id  •  abbreviation  •  availability  •  data_entry_note  •  detail  •  display_order  •  enable_ambiguity_symbols  •  gap_symbol  •  label  •  mandatory  •  max_plausible_value  •  measurement_unit  •  measurement_unit_precedes_value  •  min_plausible_value  •  repeatability  •  sequence_type  •  state_collection_model  •  statistical_measurement_scale  •  subclass  •  symbol_length  •  usually_exclusive  •  values_are_integer  •  wording_after  •  wording_before
By concept name: dwbD:Descriptor.abbreviation  •  dwbD:Descriptor.availability  •  dwbD:Descriptor.data entry note  •  dwbD:Descriptor.detail  •  dwbD:Descriptor.display order  •  dwbD:Descriptor.enable ambiguity symbols  •  dwbD:Descriptor.gap symbol  •  dwbD:Descriptor.id  •  dwbD:Descriptor.label  •  dwbD:Descriptor.mandatory  •  dwbD:Descriptor.max plausible value  •  dwbD:Descriptor.measurement unit  •  dwbD:Descriptor.measurement unit precedes value  •  dwbD:Descriptor.min plausible value  •  dwbD:Descriptor.repeatability  •  dwbD:Descriptor.sequence type  •  dwbD:Descriptor.state collection model  •  dwbD:Descriptor.statistical measurement scale  •  dwbD:Descriptor.subclass  •  dwbD:Descriptor.symbol length  •  dwbD:Descriptor.usually exclusive  •  dwbD:Descriptor.values are integer  •  dwbD:Descriptor.wording after  •  dwbD:Descriptor.wording before
By label: id  •  controlled_descriptor_id  •  controlling_state_id  •  rule
By concept name: dwbD:DescriptorInapplicability.controlled descriptor id  •  dwbD:DescriptorInapplicability.controlling state id  •  dwbD:DescriptorInapplicability.id  •  dwbD:DescriptorInapplicability.rule
By label: id  •  datastatus_id  •  description_id  •  descriptor_id  •  notes
By concept name: dwbD:DescriptorStatusData.datastatus id  •  dwbD:DescriptorStatusData.description id  •  dwbD:DescriptorStatusData.descriptor id  •  dwbD:DescriptorStatusData.id  •  dwbD:DescriptorStatusData.notes
By label: id  •  is_complete  •  label  •  project_id  •  type
By concept name: dwbD:DescriptorTree.id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTree.is complete  •  dwbD:DescriptorTree.label  •  dwbD:DescriptorTree.project id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTree.type
By label: id  •  abbreviation  •  descriptor_id  •  descriptortree_id  •  display_order  •  label  •  parent_node_id
By concept name: dwbD:DescriptorTreeNode.abbreviation  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNode.descriptor id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNode.descriptortree id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNode.display order  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNode.id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNode.label  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNode.parent node id
By label: id  •  frequency_id  •  node_id
By concept name: dwbD:DescriptorTreeNodeRecFrequency.frequency id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNodeRecFrequency.id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNodeRecFrequency.node id
By label: id  •  modifier_id  •  node_id
By concept name: dwbD:DescriptorTreeNodeRecModifier.id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNodeRecModifier.modifier id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNodeRecModifier.node id
By label: id  •  measure_id  •  node_id
By concept name: dwbD:DescriptorTreeNodeRecStatMeasure.id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNodeRecStatMeasure.measure id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNodeRecStatMeasure.node id
By label: id  •  display_order  •  label  •  lower_estimate  •  upper_estimate
By concept name: dwbD:Frequency.display order  •  dwbD:Frequency.id  •  dwbD:Frequency.label  •  dwbD:Frequency.lower estimate  •  dwbD:Frequency.upper estimate
By label: id  •  class  •  display_order  •  label
By concept name: dwbD:Modifier.class  •  dwbD:Modifier.display order  •  dwbD:Modifier.id  •  dwbD:Modifier.label
By label: id  •  description_id  •  descriptor_id  •  notes  •  sequence
By concept name: dwbD:MolecularSequenceData.description id  •  dwbD:MolecularSequenceData.descriptor id  •  dwbD:MolecularSequenceData.id  •  dwbD:MolecularSequenceData.notes  •  dwbD:MolecularSequenceData.sequence
By label: id  •  descriptor_id  •  notes  •  sampling_unit_id  •  sequence
By concept name: dwbD:MolecularSequenceSamplingData.descriptor id  •  dwbD:MolecularSequenceSamplingData.id  •  dwbD:MolecularSequenceSamplingData.notes  •  dwbD:MolecularSequenceSamplingData.sampling unit id  •  dwbD:MolecularSequenceSamplingData.sequence
By label: id  •  detail  •  label  •  sex_status_id  •  type
By concept name: dwbD:OtherScope.detail  •  dwbD:OtherScope.id  •  dwbD:OtherScope.label  •  dwbD:OtherScope.sex status id  •  dwbD:OtherScope.type
By label: id  •  ProjectProxyID  •  detail  •  label  •  licence_uri  •  parent_project_id  •  primary_language_code  •  restricted_to_descriptortree_id  •  restricted_to_taxonset_id  •  rights_text
By concept name: dwbD:Project.ProjectProxyID  •  dwbD:Project.detail  •  dwbD:Project.id  •  dwbD:Project.label  •  dwbD:Project.licence uri  •  dwbD:Project.parent project id  •  dwbD:Project.primary language code  •  dwbD:Project.restricted to descriptortree id  •  dwbD:Project.restricted to taxonset id  •  dwbD:Project.rights text
dwbD:Project AvailableScope
By label: id  •  project_id  •  scope_id
By concept name: dwbD:Project AvailableScope.id  •  dwbD:Project AvailableScope.project id  •  dwbD:Project AvailableScope.scope id
By label: id  •  descriptor_id  •  measure_id  •  modifier_id  •  notes  •  sampling_unit_id  •  value
By concept name: dwbD:QuantitativeSamplingData.descriptor id  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSamplingData.id  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSamplingData.measure id  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSamplingData.modifier id  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSamplingData.notes  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSamplingData.sampling unit id  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSamplingData.value
By label: id  •  description_id  •  descriptor_id  •  measure_id  •  modifier_id  •  notes  •  value
By concept name: dwbD:QuantitativeSummaryData.description id  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSummaryData.descriptor id  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSummaryData.id  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSummaryData.measure id  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSummaryData.modifier id  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSummaryData.notes  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSummaryData.value
By label: id  •  description_id  •  descriptor_id  •  detail  •  display_embedded  •  display_order  •  label  •  language_code  •  licence_uri  •  ranking_for_taxon_use  •  ranking_for_terminology  •  rights_text  •  scope_id  •  state_id  •  taxon_id  •  taxon_role  •  terminology_role
By concept name: dwbD:Resource.description id  •  dwbD:Resource.descriptor id  •  dwbD:Resource.detail  •  dwbD:Resource.display embedded  •  dwbD:Resource.display order  •  dwbD:Resource.id  •  dwbD:Resource.label  •  dwbD:Resource.language code  •  dwbD:Resource.licence uri  •  dwbD:Resource.ranking for taxon use  •  dwbD:Resource.ranking for terminology  •  dwbD:Resource.rights text  •  dwbD:Resource.scope id  •  dwbD:Resource.state id  •  dwbD:Resource.taxon id  •  dwbD:Resource.taxon role  •  dwbD:Resource.terminology role
By label: id  •  duration  •  mime_type  •  pixel_height  •  pixel_width  •  resource_id  •  size  •  url  •  variant_id
By concept name: dwbD:ResourceVariant.duration  •  dwbD:ResourceVariant.id  •  dwbD:ResourceVariant.mime type  •  dwbD:ResourceVariant.pixel height  •  dwbD:ResourceVariant.pixel width  •  dwbD:ResourceVariant.resource id  •  dwbD:ResourceVariant.size  •  dwbD:ResourceVariant.url  •  dwbD:ResourceVariant.variant id
By label: id  •  coord_dec_latitude  •  coord_dec_longitude  •  coord_geodeticdatum  •  coord_literal  •  date_time  •  datetimespan_end  •  description_id  •  detail  •  geographic_area  •  geographic_area_uri  •  label
By concept name: dwbD:SamplingEvent.coord dec latitude  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent.coord dec longitude  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent.coord geodeticdatum  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent.coord literal  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent.date time  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent.datetimespan end  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent.description id  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent.detail  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent.geographic area  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent.geographic area uri  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent.id  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent.label
By label: id  •  collection_specimen  •  collection_specimen_uri  •  sampling_event_id
By concept name: dwbD:SamplingUnit.collection specimen  •  dwbD:SamplingUnit.collection specimen uri  •  dwbD:SamplingUnit.id  •  dwbD:SamplingUnit.sampling event id
By label: id  •  content  •  description_id  •  descriptor_id  •  notes
By concept name: dwbD:TextDescriptorData.content  •  dwbD:TextDescriptorData.description id  •  dwbD:TextDescriptorData.descriptor id  •  dwbD:TextDescriptorData.id  •  dwbD:TextDescriptorData.notes
By label: id  •  content  •  descriptor_id  •  notes  •  sampling_unit_id
By concept name: dwbD:TextSamplingData.content  •  dwbD:TextSamplingData.descriptor id  •  dwbD:TextSamplingData.id  •  dwbD:TextSamplingData.notes  •  dwbD:TextSamplingData.sampling unit id
By label: id  •  column_id  •  contents  •  language_code  •  object_id
By concept name: dwbD:Translation.column id  •  dwbD:Translation.contents  •  dwbD:Translation.id  •  dwbD:Translation.language code  •  dwbD:Translation.object id
All Concepts in dwbDescriptions:
By label: id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  id  •  ProjectProxyID  •  abbreviation  •  abbreviation  •  abbreviation  •  abbreviation  •  availability  •  class  •  code  •  collection_specimen  •  collection_specimen_uri  •  column_id  •  content  •  content  •  contents  •  controlled_descriptor_id  •  controlling_state_id  •  coord_dec_latitude  •  coord_dec_longitude  •  coord_geodeticdatum  •  coord_literal  •  data_entry_note  •  datastatus_id  •  date_time  •  datetimespan_end  •  description_id  •  description_id  •  description_id  •  description_id  •  description_id  •  description_id  •  description_id  •  description_id  •  descriptor_id  •  descriptor_id  •  descriptor_id  •  descriptor_id  •  descriptor_id  •  descriptor_id  •  descriptor_id  •  descriptor_id  •  descriptor_id  •  descriptor_id  •  descriptortree_id  •  detail  •  detail  •  detail  •  detail  •  detail  •  detail  •  detail  •  detail  •  display_embedded  •  display_order  •  display_order  •  display_order  •  display_order  •  display_order  •  display_order  •  duration  •  dwbURI  •  enable_ambiguity_symbols  •  frequency_id  •  frequency_id  •  frequency_value  •  gap_symbol  •  geographic_area  •  geographic_area_uri  •  geographicarea_id  •  id  •  is_complete  •  label  •  label  •  label  •  label  •  label  •  label  •  label  •  label  •  label  •  label  •  label  •  label  •  label  •  language_code  •  language_code  •  licence_uri  •  licence_uri  •  lower_estimate  •  mandatory  •  max_plausible_value  •  measure_id  •  measure_id  •  measure_id  •  measurement_unit  •  measurement_unit_precedes_value  •  mime_type  •  min_plausible_value  •  modifier_id  •  modifier_id  •  modifier_id  •  modifier_id  •  modifier_id  •  node_id  •  node_id  •  node_id  •  notes  •  notes  •  notes  •  notes  •  notes  •  notes  •  notes  •  notes  •  notes  •  object_id  •  observation_id  •  other_scope_id  •  parent_node_id  •  parent_project_id  •  pixel_height  •  pixel_width  •  primary_language_code  •  project_id  •  project_id  •  project_id  •  ranking_for_taxon_use  •  ranking_for_terminology  •  repeatability  •  resource_id  •  restricted_to_descriptortree_id  •  restricted_to_taxonset_id  •  rights_text  •  rights_text  •  rule  •  sampling_event_id  •  sampling_unit_id  •  sampling_unit_id  •  sampling_unit_id  •  sampling_unit_id  •  scope_id  •  scope_id  •  sequence  •  sequence  •  sequence_type  •  sex_status_id  •  size  •  source_reference_id  •  specific_licence_uri  •  specific_rights_text  •  specimen_id  •  state_collection_model  •  state_id  •  state_id  •  state_id  •  statistical_measurement_scale  •  subclass  •  symbol_length  •  table_id  •  taxon_id  •  taxon_id  •  taxon_role  •  terminology_role  •  type  •  type  •  type  •  upper_estimate  •  url  •  usually_exclusive  •  value  •  value  •  values_are_integer  •  variant_id  •  wording  •  wording_after  •  wording_before
By concept name: dwbD:BaseEntity.id  •  dwbD:BaseEntity.specific licence uri  •  dwbD:BaseEntity.specific rights text  •  dwbD:BaseEntity.table id  •  dwbD:CategoricalSamplingData.frequency value  •  dwbD:CategoricalSamplingData.id  •  dwbD:CategoricalSamplingData.modifier id  •  dwbD:CategoricalSamplingData.notes  •  dwbD:CategoricalSamplingData.sampling unit id  •  dwbD:CategoricalSamplingData.state id  •  dwbD:CategoricalState.abbreviation  •  dwbD:CategoricalState.descriptor id  •  dwbD:CategoricalState.detail  •  dwbD:CategoricalState.display order  •  dwbD:CategoricalState.id  •  dwbD:CategoricalState.label  •  dwbD:CategoricalState.wording  •  dwbD:CategoricalSummaryData.description id  •  dwbD:CategoricalSummaryData.frequency id  •  dwbD:CategoricalSummaryData.id  •  dwbD:CategoricalSummaryData.modifier id  •  dwbD:CategoricalSummaryData.notes  •  dwbD:CategoricalSummaryData.state id  •  dwbD:DataStatus Enum.abbreviation  •  dwbD:DataStatus Enum.code  •  dwbD:DataStatus Enum.detail  •  dwbD:DataStatus Enum.id  •  dwbD:DataStatus Enum.label  •  dwbD:Description.detail  •  dwbD:Description.id  •  dwbD:Description.label  •  dwbD:Description.project id  •  dwbD:DescriptionScope.description id  •  dwbD:DescriptionScope.dwbURI  •  dwbD:DescriptionScope.geographicarea id  •  dwbD:DescriptionScope.id  •  dwbD:DescriptionScope.label  •  dwbD:DescriptionScope.observation id  •  dwbD:DescriptionScope.other scope id  •  dwbD:DescriptionScope.source reference id  •  dwbD:DescriptionScope.specimen id  •  dwbD:DescriptionScope.taxon id  •  dwbD:DescriptionScope.type  •  dwbD:Descriptor.abbreviation  •  dwbD:Descriptor.availability  •  dwbD:Descriptor.data entry note  •  dwbD:Descriptor.detail  •  dwbD:Descriptor.display order  •  dwbD:Descriptor.enable ambiguity symbols  •  dwbD:Descriptor.gap symbol  •  dwbD:Descriptor.id  •  dwbD:Descriptor.label  •  dwbD:Descriptor.mandatory  •  dwbD:Descriptor.max plausible value  •  dwbD:Descriptor.measurement unit  •  dwbD:Descriptor.measurement unit precedes value  •  dwbD:Descriptor.min plausible value  •  dwbD:Descriptor.repeatability  •  dwbD:Descriptor.sequence type  •  dwbD:Descriptor.state collection model  •  dwbD:Descriptor.statistical measurement scale  •  dwbD:Descriptor.subclass  •  dwbD:Descriptor.symbol length  •  dwbD:Descriptor.usually exclusive  •  dwbD:Descriptor.values are integer  •  dwbD:Descriptor.wording after  •  dwbD:Descriptor.wording before  •  dwbD:DescriptorInapplicability.controlled descriptor id  •  dwbD:DescriptorInapplicability.controlling state id  •  dwbD:DescriptorInapplicability.id  •  dwbD:DescriptorInapplicability.rule  •  dwbD:DescriptorStatusData.datastatus id  •  dwbD:DescriptorStatusData.description id  •  dwbD:DescriptorStatusData.descriptor id  •  dwbD:DescriptorStatusData.id  •  dwbD:DescriptorStatusData.notes  •  dwbD:DescriptorTree.id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTree.is complete  •  dwbD:DescriptorTree.label  •  dwbD:DescriptorTree.project id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTree.type  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNode.abbreviation  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNode.descriptor id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNode.descriptortree id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNode.display order  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNode.id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNode.label  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNode.parent node id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNodeRecFrequency.frequency id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNodeRecFrequency.id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNodeRecFrequency.node id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNodeRecModifier.id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNodeRecModifier.modifier id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNodeRecModifier.node id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNodeRecStatMeasure.id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNodeRecStatMeasure.measure id  •  dwbD:DescriptorTreeNodeRecStatMeasure.node id  •  dwbD:Frequency.display order  •  dwbD:Frequency.id  •  dwbD:Frequency.label  •  dwbD:Frequency.lower estimate  •  dwbD:Frequency.upper estimate  •  dwbD:Modifier.class  •  dwbD:Modifier.display order  •  dwbD:Modifier.id  •  dwbD:Modifier.label  •  dwbD:MolecularSequenceData.description id  •  dwbD:MolecularSequenceData.descriptor id  •  dwbD:MolecularSequenceData.id  •  dwbD:MolecularSequenceData.notes  •  dwbD:MolecularSequenceData.sequence  •  dwbD:MolecularSequenceSamplingData.descriptor id  •  dwbD:MolecularSequenceSamplingData.id  •  dwbD:MolecularSequenceSamplingData.notes  •  dwbD:MolecularSequenceSamplingData.sampling unit id  •  dwbD:MolecularSequenceSamplingData.sequence  •  dwbD:OtherScope.detail  •  dwbD:OtherScope.id  •  dwbD:OtherScope.label  •  dwbD:OtherScope.sex status id  •  dwbD:OtherScope.type  •  dwbD:Project AvailableScope.id  •  dwbD:Project AvailableScope.project id  •  dwbD:Project AvailableScope.scope id  •  dwbD:Project.ProjectProxyID  •  dwbD:Project.detail  •  dwbD:Project.id  •  dwbD:Project.label  •  dwbD:Project.licence uri  •  dwbD:Project.parent project id  •  dwbD:Project.primary language code  •  dwbD:Project.restricted to descriptortree id  •  dwbD:Project.restricted to taxonset id  •  dwbD:Project.rights text  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSamplingData.descriptor id  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSamplingData.id  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSamplingData.measure id  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSamplingData.modifier id  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSamplingData.notes  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSamplingData.sampling unit id  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSamplingData.value  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSummaryData.description id  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSummaryData.descriptor id  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSummaryData.id  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSummaryData.measure id  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSummaryData.modifier id  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSummaryData.notes  •  dwbD:QuantitativeSummaryData.value  •  dwbD:Resource.description id  •  dwbD:Resource.descriptor id  •  dwbD:Resource.detail  •  dwbD:Resource.display embedded  •  dwbD:Resource.display order  •  dwbD:Resource.id  •  dwbD:Resource.label  •  dwbD:Resource.language code  •  dwbD:Resource.licence uri  •  dwbD:Resource.ranking for taxon use  •  dwbD:Resource.ranking for terminology  •  dwbD:Resource.rights text  •  dwbD:Resource.scope id  •  dwbD:Resource.state id  •  dwbD:Resource.taxon id  •  dwbD:Resource.taxon role  •  dwbD:Resource.terminology role  •  dwbD:ResourceVariant.duration  •  dwbD:ResourceVariant.id  •  dwbD:ResourceVariant.mime type  •  dwbD:ResourceVariant.pixel height  •  dwbD:ResourceVariant.pixel width  •  dwbD:ResourceVariant.resource id  •  dwbD:ResourceVariant.size  •  dwbD:ResourceVariant.url  •  dwbD:ResourceVariant.variant id  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent.coord dec latitude  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent.coord dec longitude  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent.coord geodeticdatum  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent.coord literal  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent.date time  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent.datetimespan end  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent.description id  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent.detail  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent.geographic area  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent.geographic area uri  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent.id  •  dwbD:SamplingEvent.label  •  dwbD:SamplingUnit.collection specimen  •  dwbD:SamplingUnit.collection specimen uri  •  dwbD:SamplingUnit.id  •  dwbD:SamplingUnit.sampling event id  •  dwbD:TextDescriptorData.content  •  dwbD:TextDescriptorData.description id  •  dwbD:TextDescriptorData.descriptor id  •  dwbD:TextDescriptorData.id  •  dwbD:TextDescriptorData.notes  •  dwbD:TextSamplingData.content  •  dwbD:TextSamplingData.descriptor id  •  dwbD:TextSamplingData.id  •  dwbD:TextSamplingData.notes  •  dwbD:TextSamplingData.sampling unit id  •  dwbD:Translation.column id  •  dwbD:Translation.contents  •  dwbD:Translation.id  •  dwbD:Translation.language code  •  dwbD:Translation.object id