Diversity Workbench:About
DiversityWorkbench.net aims at providing Diversity Workbench open source resources and documentation, information for DWB software users and a collaboration platform for [Diversity_Workbench_Co-workers DWB software developers].
A Wiki is a tool for working together in developing an information resource or discussing a topic. This particular Wiki is running on the www.DiversityWorkbench.net server as a collaboration tool.
(See Project Help for an overview over all help pages.)
Server location
The services are located on a server of the Biowikifarm in Berlin, Germany.
Server contact person
This project has editors and contributors. These partners retain all rights as well as all responsibilities for their contributions. The responsibility to observe all applicable laws and standards (especially regarding nondiscrimination and copyright) lies with the editors and contributors. Please refer to the disclaimer for further information.
No content is a journalistic activity of the service provider.
If misleading, incorrect or otherwise inappropriate information or copyright violations are brought to our attention, a reasonable effort will be made to redress the problem. Please report any misuse, including illegal content and links, to the service provider contact given below:
Dr. Gregor Hagedorn Heinrich-Seidel-Str. 2, 12167 Berlin, Germany Email: name@gmail.com (please replace name with g.m.hagedorn) Tel. +49-30-8315785