Help:Create a new Scheme with Concepts

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This help page provides a guide to creating a new scheme (i.e., a vocabulary with many concepts/terms).

1. Create a new concept scheme by entering the name (title or label usually with blanks and without a namespace prefix) below:


A form will open, please enter the information about the scheme

2. Once you have created the Concept scheme page and saved it, at the bottom a field allows you to create concepts by entering the desired concept name. The recommendation for concept page names is to use a namespace-colon-name format, e.g. "dcterms:title", "dwc:scientificName". Do not prefix them with "Property:" or "Class:". Press the "create or edit concepts" button to open a new page (an empty html-form) to create the new term. In the form fill in at least the Definition field. Further down, below the main form a repeatable form section labeled "Relations" exists. Use this to add any relation to other terms. Do not forget to add a relation indicating that the new term belongs to your scheme (unfortunately this cannot yet be done automatically): select relation "skos: in scheme" and the page name of your Concept schema.

At a later stage, it is advisable to create the property pages (red link next to concept type in the concept edit-with-form, just click and save the form as it is), and if RDF export shall use the correct URIs, also an SMW-Import page.

See also Help:Import vocabulary.